What’s one to do? What do you do with a limited marketing budget in tough times – think outside of the box and hire On Point Marketing Communications Group. We answered the bell. No account too small. We love a challenge. OPMCG was hired by The Cheese Trap, Flourtown Coffee Company and Elegant Pairings Catering to brand the three entities, launch a website, create a social media presence, develop a pull strategy to increase sales. The answer – one website – continuity across web, social, email – all mediums. Drive to web utilizing promotions to build a house file via text email promos. Success. In a mere two weeks, grew house file from zero to 2k+. That’s 2,000 customers that we can now communicate VALUE on a one-to-one, personalized voice basis. On deck: eCOMMERCE. As they say: coffee, cheese, or me.
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