Suburban Newspapers of America is a broad network of daily and weekly suburban and community newspapers published by some of the leading newspaper publishing companies in North America. SNA represents over 2,000 newspapers reaching more than 17 million households and more than 42 million readers throughout the United States and Canada.
While handling all marketing communications for SNA, we were asked to rebrand SNA and capture “local” advertising dollars from giants like Sears, Home Depot, Target, and Best Buy. We were competing against numerous, much larger agencies. We were the only agency to recommend a digital strategy with a focus on the use of video testimonials.
It all started with SNA DVD Summer Tour.
Three months. Four cities. Thirty-six interviews. Readers. Advertisers. Media Brokers. Newspaper executives. Four plus hours of raw footage. The result – the SNA DVD. We lived it. No one knows SNA like we do.
The DVD was so well received it morphed into the SNA micro-site.
Our goal was to communicate the SNA story — the SNA brand — via the micro-site. With targeted e-mailings, we leveraged SNA’s best and most appropriate content from the DVD, the Belden Readership Study, the Belden Advertiser Perception Study, the SWOT Analysis, other relevant sources, and increased our number of video interviews from thirty-six to literally hundreds.
We delivered the branding message to category specific target audiences as defined in the SNA database, with the goal of increasing brand awareness and persuading each prospect to request more information or ask for a sales call.
The result: Email-Marketing campaign ¬– series of emails targeting fortune 500 Senior Executives produced Open Rate of 82.25% and Click-Through Rate of 52.4%.

“We captured 2nd place in the International Newspaper Marketing Association competition for our microsite. Really amazing when you look at the companies that won in our circulation class in other categories (NY Times, Boston Globe, LA Times, Seattle Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, etc.). Knowing SNA’s resources compared to these giants, it makes the award that much sweeter. And as John Harris says – those big guys don’t have OPMCG! Our branding campaign, microsite and direct mail/e-mail blast campaign – worldwide recognition!! We are just giddy here in SNA land. This is one of the proudest moments in our history!”
Nancy Lane
Suburban Newspapers of America
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